Sunday, December 2, 2007


Date: 5:14 PM
To: invisiblegirl
From: donna6167
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NO what I am saying is they are not posting what was said on their own board with all of their ISP address snooping, and photobucket account hijacking that's all. Hope that answers your question.

Lord, Donna, you're making yourself look really stupid here. First of all, I assume you're talking about IPs and not ISPs? Sure, we can see IPs of anyone that posts on our board. Any board can do that, including the hoff administrators. They're on proboards and admins can do that on proboards. It's not evil. It's just a way to get a general idea of where someone is from. You don't get their exact address and you may not even get their exact city. Just the general city that their internet provider is from, which may not be the city they actually live in, but is probably near by. It's not an evil thing, just something that any board admin can do. If the hoff admins say they can't, they either don't know how to or they're lying. And if they can, so what? What can anyone really do with that info? We can also get IPs if someone emails you. Anyone can do that. You can.

And the only one who did any photobucket hijacking was Zen to J/K.

We're not the people that Zen made us out to be to the hoffs. Just as I suspect you all aren't as evil as she made you out to be to us. The ranters are no worse than any of you. We're normal parents and BBC/board posters. Realize this: we all have been had.

You've said you joined the hoffs after all this went down. You're one of the few that still has one of the stupid siggies and you're all over the drama threads. Quit trying to jump on the bandwagon, especially when you have no idea what you're talking about. Pathetic, really.


Anonymous said...

And the only one who did any photobucket hijacking was Zen to J/K.

That's bullshit and you know it!

You've said you joined the hoffs after all this went down. You're one of the few that still has one of the stupid siggies and you're all over the drama threads. Quitting trying to jump on the bandwagon, especially when you have no idea what you're talking about. Pathetic, really.

I am jumping on no band wagon. I joined a board of women that I enjoy chatting with. I post on MANY threads and voice MY OWN opinion like it or don't like I give a flip.

You need to get facts instead of posting your drivel. Do you realize how stupid you sounded trying to associate Kim with the Hoffs? That was good for a laugh though so thanks.

Being put on your little blog doesn't bother me nor do the comments that will come with it so please don't think that it does/will. I am and always will be donna6167 you won't catch me hiding under a troll name. I am sure your blog gets a lot of hits, I even have friends that have been over and gotten a few laughs from you all, so thanks for the entertainment. Have a Hofftastic night.

Please be fair and post MY response....we shall see.

Anonymous said...

I love Donna! You guys, not so much. I agree with the "We have all been had" comments. Really, can't you all just let your stupid blog die?

Anonymous said...

"You've said you joined the hoffs after all this went down. You're one of the few that still has one of the stupid siggies and you're all over the drama threads. Quitting trying to jump on the bandwagon, especially when you have no idea what you're talking about. Pathetic, really."


Ranting said...

Glad we could make you feel important tonight, Donna.

And see, we posted your comments. Rebecca never posted ANY. Talk about one-sided.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I finally got to the read the infamous autism card thread.
I have to say I agree with what PG said. lol.

Anonymous said...

And the poster running around wearing buttons and passing out cards...are you freakin' serious? Talk about condescending and rude.

Anonymous said...

Oh and one more thing. lol. I'm damn sick you BCHostIsellonline whatever.
You are an antagonistic pain in the ass.
If you want things to drop why are you posting the "what would you do if stalked" crap.
Hell, I need to post this on the BB instead.

Anonymous said...

For the record I DID NOT bump the autism thread FEATHERBUTT or whatever her name is did.

Anonymous said...

So did you all happen to get a C&P of the end of thread?

Anonymous said...

What happened to the thread on BBC? It was gone this morning. What did I miss???

Anonymous said...

Oh please, all you hoffs act like you are soooo bloody innocent. And I actually thought you were until this blog posted the crap that you guys have done. You guys are nothing but a bunch of nasty bitches. I can't believe I actually "liked" you guys. You guys have no integrity. I don't care what your reasoning is you had no excuse for what has happened to Steff or Kitty. You guys are a bunch of whiney bitches with nothing better to do. I am still not too sure what the "Ranters" did, but whatever.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget.... what was actually said on those threads that got peopled banned were all saved here:

You can read WHAT was posted, by whom...

Anonymous said...

"I love Donna! You guys, not so much. I agree with the "We have all been had" comments. Really, can't you all just let your stupid blog die?"

How about you stop reading the stupid blog?

Proud Ranter

Ranting said...

Donna, we let you have your chance once. But no more, unless you actually post something that is true. And not something you "heard" somewhere.

Believe us, you have no idea what you're talking about. I suppose we could post your comments so people can see how ignorant you are: once again jumping on the bandwagon, posting crap that you know nothing about and isn't true, etc. But even we're not that mean.

Anonymous said...

Yet you continue to post crap that's not true......whatever I'm done. Enjoy your blog that is so factual (eyeroll please).

Anonymous said...

What's not true?? Please enlighten us oh wise one.

Everything that is posted on this blog was C&P'ed from your board courtesy of Zen. If any of it has been altered, Zen did it before we saw it. So please tell us what is untrue. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I have to know what is up with the elderly Hoffs being so bitter. I mean Donna and Kathi are like what 50? Is this there last chance at a midlife crisis before they suit up in their Depends and get cozy in the retirement home?

Anonymous said...

Someone C&P from your board, and you're upset about it. Someone c&ps from other boards onto yours, and you're hot to read it, and even paste it onto BBC.

I'm talking to all the spin-off groups here, not any one in particular. If you don't want your private posts shared, don't be so excited to read the private things that other people share with you.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the C&P'ing is the main reason most are upset. It sucked that it did happen the way it did, but that's old news now.

I *think* most are still upset that the Hoff's have yet to admit that what they did was wrong. They still think they did nothing wrong. They are still crying how innocent they are. Blah Blah Blah. They were the first to C&P to BBC. No personal information would have ever made it's way to BBC if they hadn't posted it first. Even the hosts seem to think what they did was okay.

Anonymous said...

ITA! The hoffs need admit that they also did stuff, instead of trying to play innocent. No one believes it. And your half ass apologies are a joke. Stand up and admit your shit stirring.

~Gretchen~ said...

"We're not the people that Zen made us out to be to the hoffs. Just as I suspect you all aren't as evil as she made you out to be to us. The ranters are no worse than any of you. We're normal parents and BBC/board posters. Realize this: we all have been had."

I think there is a lot of truth there. I think if we could all realize that there is no enemy to be had on either side, we could move on.